Video: Engaging With Stakeholders And Those With More Knowledge
Monday, December 30, 2019
The State of Tech Hiring in San Diego
The State of Tech Hiring in San DiegoThe State of Tech Hiring in San DiegoTHE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN SAN DIEGOQ3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Business intelligence, Cybersecurity*2. wolke security Database management*3. Cloud computing4. DevOps5. ERP implementation Virtualization*OF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 67% plan to expand their teams.32% plan to fill only vacant positions.92% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.99% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.97% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsConsultants are part of our hiring strategy 73%For especially busy times 59%When theres a sudden vacancy 51%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 40%When a skill does not exist internally 36%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Innovation or helping grow the geschftsleben3. Cloud projects/initiatives Innovation or helping grow the business*
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
3 Great Ideas for An Impressive Veteran Resume!
3 Great Ideas for An Impressive Veteran Resume3 Great Ideas for An Impressive Veteran Resume3 Great Ideas for An Impressive Veteran ResumeSeparating from the military is challenging in terms of whats next for jobs or education and writing a resume that translates the military experience into the next set of skills for the next career.When Jeremy Denton (my favorite sample in the book), separated from the USMC Crew Chief after 5 years, Jeremy decided to leave the aviation and helicopter industry and apply for entry- to mid-level positions in project management, program analysis and team work. Jeremy went to college on the GI Bill and completed his a BS degree in Political Science and began his government job search toward GS 7/9 positions as a Program Analyst or Administrative Specialist.Here are three tips for writing an excellent federal or private industry resume for former military personnel. These tips were covered in the sample resume in the book. Jeremys before resume is on th e eCD-ROM. And there is an amazing turnaround with the Before resume and After Resume. Ask for the book to see the before after.1. AWARDS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS In addition to listing the actual award, write one or two sentences about why you got the award. The reasons you received the award could help an employer determine if you have the skills or competencies for their position. Write the accomplishment in your Work Experience section, showing that you received awards for outstanding service.As a USMC Crew chief, LOGGED 1,200+ FLIGHT HOURS WITHOUT A SINGLE LOSS OF LIFE OR AIRCRAFT during two tours in Iraq and in the United States, including during combat conditions. Earned numerous recognitions, including Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and numerous Air Medals. Participated in armed interdictions, border patrolling, medical evacuations of military and civilians, and special operations.Under the AWARDS section, list the Recognitions againNavy/USMC Achievement Medal, 2007 2 Iraq Campaign Medals, 2007, 2004 16 Air Medals USMC Good Conduct Medal, 2006 Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, 2004 National Defense Service Medal, 20032. FEATURE YOUR BEST COMPETENCIES Your specialized military skills may not be directly transferrable to a job in private industry or government, but your transferrable competencies WILL be very useful to your next employer. In the military you have become a team leader, scheduler, trainer, mentor, project leader, dicke bretter bohren mssenSCHEDULING AND COORDINATION Performed daily inspections on assigned aircraft assisted in preflight inspections performing final checks monitored aircraft performance during flight assisted as a lookout and advised pilot of obstacles and other aircraft.TECHNICAL SKILLS As Helicopter Mechanic, performed inspection and maintenance duties on various aircraft systems, including the fuel, flight control, rotor, utility, and power plant systems checked cockpit controls, switches, and safety devi ces.CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING Analyzed weight, mission, cargo and prepared aircraft for maximum defense. Utilized evaluative and technical skills in operating aircraft mounted weapons systems. 3. FEATURE YOUR SPECIALIZED TRAINING The military provides some of the best leadership and technical training in the country. The training is impressive and can give the supervisor information about the types of technical skills you have developed in the service. These skills could be useful in your next career. This training is aviation oriented, and he will pursue positions that are not in the aviation industry, but Jeremy is including it in his resume, to demonstrate his technical training. ExamplesNaval Aviation Air Crewman Candidate School at NATTC, NAS Pensacola, FL Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) School at Brunswick, ME A and C school, CH-53E Crew Chief Training gesamtschau at CNATT MAR Unit, MCAS New River, NC C school, CH-53E Crew Chief Training Syllab us at CNATT MAR Unit, MCAS New River, NC Plane Captain (PC) Ground syllabus for type aircraft.CHECK OUT OUR VETERAN FEDERAL JOBS FACEBOOK PAGE
Friday, December 20, 2019
Survivors Can Soar After a Company Downsizing
Survivors Can Soar After a Company DownsizingSurvivors Can Soar After a Company DownsizingYou Can Increase the Probability of Positive Downsizing Results Youre downsizing, right-sizing, cutting staff and experiencing layoffs, for all the right reasons. Your goal was to increase productivity, quality, customer care, and profitability, and to reduce costs and waste. Like the Phoenix in ancient mythology, youve succeeded. You rose from the ashes and regenerated yourself. Those who remain with you, the layoff survivors, have fulfilled your highest expectations in this process. Theyve stepped up to the challenge and soared to new heights of accomplishment. This is every organizations dream during a downsizing. The decision to layoff people and downsize is elend made lightly. Once made, however, you can increase the probability of these positive downsizing results by doing some simple, but profoundly complex, activities, right. Your Leaders Must Be Visible and Involved During Layoffs During layoffs and downsizing is not the time for organization leaders to retreat to board rooms and private offices to plan the future. After a downsizing, or following any major change, for that matter, leaders must be visible and accessible. Layoff survivors need to interact with their supervisor and the organization leaders on a daily basis. Leaders may have to listen to people express pain and sadness. As a leader, listen, really listen, without judging or trying to solve the problem. You cant. You can only use each conversation as an opportunity to re-emphasize the necessity for the downsizing. You can speak positively about the mission, vision, and plans for the future. You can thank each individual for pitching in and making the changed organization an even more effective and inviting workplace after layoffs. At the same time, managers and supervisors must be strong leaders, decisive yet participatory. You must inspire confidence, at this time, so people feel you can be depe nded upon as they take the first steps into the unknown future. Re-emphasize Your Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals After Layoffs Employee morale, organizational climate, and culture are negatively impacted by layoffs and downsizing. You will need to recreate the work environment, so that people build their self-esteem, find work satisfying, and achieve at higher levels. The foundation for this progress is to re-emphasize the organization mission and its values. The vision for the future has undoubtedly changed or received new life in the downsizing process. Now is your opportunity to spend time with small groups of people talking about each of these. Reaffirm their meaning and impact for your organization. Let people ask questions and talk about how their goals fit into the larger picture after the layoffs. Talk about the culture and work environment you want to create deutsche bundespost-layoffs. Define what you need to do as a group to move in this direction, despite the los s of coworkers. You need to pay more attention to rewards, recognition and helping the remaining employees feel valued and appreciated. A few weeks after a downsizing, a small refurbishing plant manager established a good news board on which any employee could post infassonation. Another formed a smile kollektiv, not just to plan events such as potlucks and parties, but to work to build the overall morale of the organization. Another started publishing a weekly one-page report that kept staff informed of goals and direction. This is also a good time to look at the goals of each work unit to assess their connection to the overall plan. It is important, following a downsizing, for each of your survivors to feel his work is integral to the accomplishment of the business plan. You Cannot Over-Communicate During Layoffs and Downsizing Throughout the layoffs and downsizing process, communicate the facts as honestly as you can and with great compassion. People must walk away from meeti ngs and one-on-one discussions with the feeling that decisions were fair and legitimate. They must feel the decisions were good for the business and their future. They need to understand the context in which decisions were made. They need to hear that a rational, well-thought-out decision-making process occurred. Express empathy for those who have lost coworkers with whom they shared relationships. You cannot over-communicate during a layoff or downsizing. Make Sure Some Things Stay the Same Following Layoffs or Downsizing A commitment to the continuation of regular group and one-on-one meetings following the layoffs and downsizing is also important. It is a mistake to bring sarcasm, an apparent lack of empathy, blame or criticism of those who are leaving to these sessions. To maintain morale, the people remaining must have seen the downsized individuals treated with dignity and respect. Treat People With Dignity and Respect During the Downsizing Escorting people and their w ork artifacts out the door with security personnel or a supervisor standing guardis not an effective way to assist the layoff survivors to feel warm and fuzzy about your organization. It is much better if you hold a meeting toward the end of the day, break the bad news and then assist the individuals to pack up their belongings when fruchtwein of the workforce has gone home. Or, as one manager who was downsizing decided, he met each employee on the weekend to help them pack their belongings and wish them well. This also allowed him to check up on the former employee several days into their unemployment. This managers remaining staff pulled together and quickly returned to a high level of productivity. Communicating About Layoffs in a Downsizing The debate is ongoing about the timing of communication about layoffs and downsizing. Many practitioners in organizations believe that they should tell people as much as possible as soon as information is known with some certainty. This i ncludes the timing of private discussions between managers and employees who may stay or lose their jobs as a result. Downsizing the workforce should occur early in the week so people have time to start their job search. Even with the job searching services and postings available online, depending on the job and location, employees deserve the opportunity to immediately take care of their affairs. Design an effective communications strategy for before, during, and after the layoffs and downsizing. It is the critical factor that supports your workforce quickly unifying around the mission, vision, and new organizational structure. Effective communication ensures the ownership of the new strategies for success. Communication While Downsizing As you design your strategy, think broadly about all the possible ways to communicate during layoffs.Hold company meetingsSchedule one-on-one meetingsPublish a transition newsletterUse email, intranet, and internet resourcesHold frequent department gatheringsPost minutes and noticesUse voice mail for messagesEncourage informal planning sessions that are focused on the forward progress.These communication tips will help your company thrive following layoffs and downsizing activities. Introduce Efforts to Increase Your Organizations Competitiveness Following Layoffs and Downsizing Layoffs and downsizing are never the only answer. In fact, if employees see you immediately begin to address other aspects of non-competitive practices, they will rally from the downsizing in record time. This is your opportunity to look at all business processes and eliminate possible waste. (If you are a manufacturing company, you may already think of this as lean manufacturing. Recommended Reading If you are not a manufacturing company, you will want to read Lean Ultimate Collection, to understand how to build a lean enterprise throughout the value chain. With fewer employees, consider eliminating unproductive meetings, initiatives that dont pu t you closer to your customer, and employee requirements that dont add value to your product or your service. Process map your key work processes to eliminate non-value added steps. Look especially to eliminate steps that are redundant, repetitive, time adding or permission requiring. Additionally, use a systematic problem-solving process to tackle consistent, irritating problems. Create measures of success, and provide constant feedback, so people know how they are doing within the new organization. If you have downsized across the board- almost never recommended, if you have a choice- eliminating management positions as well as professional, clerical and technical positions, you have a powerful opportunity to consider empowerment and involvement initiatives. Since you have fewer people, you will want to develop more engaged, thinking, caring employees, who are involved in decision-making at a higher level such as in the join leadership style. More Steps to Take During Downsizin g and Layoffs Take these additional steps, as an organization, to rally your survivors after layoffs and downsizing experiences. Reinforce daily, in a positive, mind and heart-stirring way, the vision, mission, and excitement of moving forward with the organization.Emphasize the positive goals that you can accomplish this year together. Make certain that the goals cascade through the organization so people feel strategically connected to the overall strategy and direction. Review the goals publicly, on an established schedule, so people feel part of something bigger than their work unit. Review the goals and progress within work units as well. This helps people focus on progress and the future rather than on the layoffs, the downsizing, and the past. Provide rewards and recognition wherever you feel you can legitimately do so. Be creative and have fun with these.Continue to hold expected events, sponsorships, and programs that people have come to count on from the company before th e layoffs. Keep the familiar meeting structures unless the group decides to change them. Do not cancel expected forums because everyone is too busy or you feel there is a lack of interest. They become even more important during times of change. One company canceled its summer company picnic because it was too close to the downsizing. The best choice? Move the picnic forward a few weeks, but holding the picnic was important. Having some things not change can provide stability in the midst of downsizing. It also sends the message that life at work does move on. Activities to Build Your Surviving Employees Morale These tips will help your company thrive following layoffs and downsizing activities. Increase company activities that will restore employee harmony, friendship, and trust. Begin to establish some new traditions as an organization following the layoffs.As an example, form a Spirit/Smile/Energizing Team, a team of employees to create random, yet regularly scheduled, activit ies. Give the team a budget and get out of the way. These teams want to take these actions like these in support of positive motivation and employee morale. Create a secret holiday pal gift-givingSchedule lunch and learn book discussions or presentations on topics people care aboutHold ice cream socialsCompete for the best decorated holiday windowsServe hot chocolate/cider/doughnuts on fall days, and give away a pumpkin to each employeeCreate awards for attendance, service, and contributionDo philanthropic work such as adopting a needy family for the holidays. Only staff imagination limits the possible ideas for new traditions within your organization. More Actions for Employers After Downsizing Consciously foster creativity and innovation. You have so much to do with fewer resources. Think about instituting share sessions at which people demonstrate their innovative ideas from which others can learn. Hold Kaizen (continuous improvement) or business process improvement sessions around certain operations or processes.Design what if scenarios into the current business plans. These can take into consideration the best thinking of the new team as well as create contingency plans for various possibilities. Business plans do not function anymore as they perhaps did, even a few years ago now they must be viable, flexible, constantly changing documents. Finally, to re-emphasize, people must feel as if you know what you are doing, even when you feel battered yourself. A positive, optimistic outlook must be demonstrated by key leaders, decision makers, and attitude leaders or key communicators. The Bottom Line During and following layoffs and downsizing, focus on interactive, visible leadership that re-emphasizes vision, mission, values, and goals. Foster open communication and emphasize actions that increase your organizations competitiveness. Pay attention to the initiatives described here, and youll jump start your opportunity to soar beyond even your wildest dre ams. You are wished great success on your flight.
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Critical First Step to Reaching More Candidates
The Critical First Step to Reaching More CandidatesThe Critical First Step to Reaching More CandidatesIf youre a recruiter in todays job market you know just how hard it can be finding the perfect candidate for a clients new job listing. With unemployment near record lows, quality employees are increasingly sticking with their current positions. When candidates are looking, they tend to demand higher salaries and often want to test the waters before making final decisions.Its vital, then, that job placement professionals get their opportunities in front of as many qualified candidates as possible. Scouring through stacks of resumes and perusing the white pages of the local paper isnt exactly an option in modern times, however. The technological equivalent, namely sponsored listings on websites where professionals in the desired field are known to congregate, are a key element to any successful job search. Here we delve into why advertising campaigns are the critical first step to rea ching more candidates.1. Sponsored Listings Lead to Incremental TrafficSure, you may be able to post a job listing to your recruiting companys board and call it a day. Youll probably appear in a few organic internet searches and may even land a resume or two for review. Sponsored ads, those you pay for with targeted keywords that direct users straight to your listing, however, can help up the numbers of paid and unpaid prospects.The reason behind this is a popularity contest of sorts. Search browsers are designed to prioritize websites and listings that get more traffic overall. These searches cant differentiate between a website or page that receives 100 organic hits and 900 targeted advertising hits, they only recognize the gross total of 1000 overall views. This means that paying for a few well-placed ads to target candidates for a job listing can not only up your sponsored numbers, they will also increase the natural attention and ranking of your page and website overall.2. Incr eased Combined Conversion for AdvertisersWhether in sales or recruiting, its a fact that those with advertising budgets see a higher rate of conversion for sales than when organic searches alone are utilized. Part of this is due to the fact that advertisements are often carefully tailored to attract the attention of the most relevant eyes. Marketing your product, or placement, to those who are potentially the most relevant will lead to a higher quality recruiting candidate that has been specifically targeted based on your listing keywords.3. Increased and Positive Brand PresenceIf youre in the sales industry, taking out an ad in the local paper proclaiming your latest holiday sale or buying a commercial on prime time are viable options for attracting attention to your name and brand message. As a recruiter, however, hiring a skywriter to pull a banner across a crowded beach probably isnt going to tischset the right tone. Targeted advertising, on the other hand, is definitely seen as a more professional and acceptable method of attracting the right kind of attention. Sponsoring a few ads on select career-themed websites will make potential candidate not only aware of the present opportunity but will also have them thinking your companys name when they are next in the market. Positive brand image as a recruiting company helps ensure that the highest quality job seekers equate your name with a professional and effective source for making career steps.The Final Word on Ads and RecruitersAs you can see, advertising using targeted phrases and in select venues can have an immediate and long-term impact on your recruiting efforts. An effective ad buy not only helps you staff current openings, it can also ensure that candidates and companies have a positive outlook on your brand and know where to go the next time theyre in the market. Start small with a realistic budget for a few key positions and watch the returns come in the fasson of higher levels of client satisfac tion across the board.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Employer Branding
Employer BrandingEmployer BrandingEmployer Branding/*MAIN CONTAINER*/.article-content .img-caption img margin 0 0 25px 20pxQGP_containeroverflowvisible margin0px autowidth100%media (max-width 575px) QGP_container overflowauto /* these make the icon tables reponsive to avoid the horizontal scrollbar */QGP_container table width autoQGP_container table td floatleft/*QUICK GUIDES*/QGP_quickguideswidth100%overflowvisible margin-bottom15pxQGP_quickguides_hfont-size14px font-weightbold color673694 padding-bottom10px QGP_quickguides_imgfont-size20px color212121 line-height50px padding-left0px font-weightbolddisplaynoneQGP_quickguides_img + br /* temporary until removed so theres no potential br issues */displaynone QGP_quickguides_listboxoverflowhidden padding3px margin-top5pxmargin-bottom10pxQGP_quickguides_listbox ulmargin0px padding0px list-stylenoneQGP_quickguides_listbox ul limargin0px padding0px 0px 0px 0px list-stylenoneQGP_quickguides_list1,QGP_quickguides_list2,Q GP_quickguides_list3,QGP_quickguides_list4 width24%padding0floatleftQGP_quickguides_bottompadding10px 0pxdisplaynoneQGP_quickguides_notesfloatleft padding-left10px color666666 font-size11px displaynoneQGP_quickguides_readericonfloatright padding-right40px/* LINK STYLES */a.QGP-linklink, a.QGP-linkvisitedfont-size14px color0161b2 padding-top10px padding-bottom10px text-decoration underline line-height20pxa.QGP-linkhover text-decoration nonea.QGP-clickherelink, a.QGP-clickherevisitedfont-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration underlinea.QGP-clickherehover font-size11px color0161b2 text-decoration none.QCP_blach13font-weight400 displayblock line-height20px/*WELCOME TO MONSTER*//*PRODUCTS*//*POSTING JOBS*//*GETTING HELP*/QGP_wtom,QGP_mps,QGP_pjs,QGP_ghp overflowhidden floatleftQGP_wtom_mcontainer,QGP_mps_mcontainer,QGP_pjs_mcontainer,QGP_ghp_mcontainer margin0px auto overflowvisible width100%QGP_wtom_mcontainer + p,QGP_mps_mcontainer + p,QGP_pjs_mcontainer + p,QGP_ghp_mconta iner + p margin-top0QGP_wtom_h,QGP_mps_h,QGP_pjs_h,QGP_ghp_h line-height26px font-size16px color212121 margin-bottom10pxmargin-top10pxpadding5px 15pxbackground-colorF2F2F2QGP_wtom-box,QGP_mps-box,QGP_pjs-box,QGP_ghp-box displayinline-tableoverflowvisiblewidth100%margin-top20pxbackgroundurl(// repeat-y center topQGP_wtom-box-left,QGP_mps-box-left,QGP_pjs-box-left,QGP_ghp-box-left floatleft width47%QGP_wtom-box-right,QGP_mps-box-right,QGP_pjs-box-right, QGP_ghp-box-right floatright width47%media (max-width 480px) QGP_mps-box-left, QGP_mps-box-right, QGP_wtom-box-left, QGP_wtom-box-right, QGP_pjs-box-left, QGP_pjs-box-right, QGP_ghp-box-left, QGP_ghp-box-right widthauto QGP_wtom-box background none /* To make table icons responsive (IF html is not changed) */.training-icon-links list-style outside none none margin-left -5px padding-left con-links li display inline-block padding-left 5px padding-right li fa li a color428bca font-size26px/* from default bootstrap since its not coming through */.list-unstyled list-style outside none none padding-left 0In todays competitive recruitment market, a companys brand means everything to candidates. 69 percent of job candidates would not even take a job with a company that has a bad reputationeven if unemployed. Thats why weve teamed up with kununu, the largest employee review platform in Europe, to offer them mora control over the way candidates view their brand.Let help you showcase, monitor, and fortify your employer brand. So more potential employees who are the right fit can find your company as a natural part of their journeyEmployer Branding Checklist Follow these simple best practices to promote your company as an employer of choice, and find out how you can make an impact today.Premiu m Company ProfileSee how you can put your employer brand, company culture and values on display. Add your videos, social media links and photos and youll help qualified candidates discover everything you have to offer. Branded Job TemplateBranding has become an essential part of driving applicant responses and this template has it all. Learn how you can transform your job ads with your logo, images, videos and more.Basic Company ProfileWell show you how to showcase your logo, company information and more within a Basic Company Profile. Its a great way to build your online presence and let candidates learn more about your company.Back to top
Friday, December 6, 2019
What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Waitress Resume Sample and What You Should Do Different
What Everyone Else Does When It Comes to Waitress Resume Sample and What You Should Do Different Ruthless Waitress Resume Sample Strategies Exploited Restaurant Waitress Attend the consumers, supply them with foods and drinks in accordance with their demand. Restaurant patrons are able to on occasion, be demanding and even rude. Restaurant servers will have a tendency to focus in a particular field of industry. The Tried and True Method for Waitress Resume Sample in Step by Step Detail If youre an experienced waitress and applying for a work position, then this document is a valuable resource for you. Creating an effective objective statement is just step one in writing a winning resume, but its an important one. Resume writing may be an intimidating commencing for anybody. This objective examples will guide you just how to write a great objective for a waitress resume. Life, Death, and Waitress Resume Sample Furthermore, you get an opportunity to explain what you could do and why they ought to hire you. It should offer a crystal clear picture of your professional experience and convince the employer youre the appropriate person for the function. Losing a job might be a traumatic encounter. Each job needs specific abilities which you ought to plainly concentrate on in your job application, if you need to raise your odds to get approached for an interview. If youre commuting, prepare ahead of time and decide on a time allowance, so you can anticipate delays due to besucherzahlen and other possible explanations. Remember that employment gaps are among the most significant factors which you want to minimize. Your probability of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. Finding a job for a waiter or waitress does not arrive so easy anymore, particularly with the simple fact that fewer jobs are at present available than the range of individuals looking for employment opportunities. If youre looking for a fresh job or mean to shift you r present job then you need to create your resume in as much places as possible to boost your visibility in leading on the potential businesses. You will use somebody elses work and youll also probably not be presenting yourself in the very best light possible for the job. It is simpler than you might think to compose a superb administrative resume that may allow you to find the job of your dreams. Instead, your objective should help it become crystal clear that youre seeking specifically to work as a server in a special type of work atmosphere. When youre asking for work, it is almost always better to use resume templates which have been specially designed to suit the goal. By cutting the time that it requires to format a resume out, a resume template enables a fast reaction to a work ad. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. Surveyed 50 unique parts of literature throughout the school year to provide students an extensive spectrum of writing styles. The One Thing to D o for Waitress Resume Sample Once your academic qualifications are dealt with, you are able to move on to your prior work experience when you have any. Obviously, each job will call for various abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the job description with care and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. Based on different facets of this profession, there are distinct resumes that has to be utilized to secure work. It is quite easy to find examples for resumes which are job specific. A Secret Weapon for Waitress Resume Sample Youre able to use sample restaurant manager resumes that will help you choose the correct format and order of information. A waitress resume template consists of the exact same info and data an ordinary resume does. If so, there are a few instructions that you need to follow for you to produce the best resume. Entail all the required information with your prior experiences. Accordingly, in the event you were searching for a wai tress resume no experience necessary type of CV, here is the ideal template. To be able to create a good resume for a restaurant waitress job, youve got to close at the work description given by the employer. In that situation, youve just arrive at the most important dish The waiter or waitress work history section. The waiter resume example is easily adapted to clearly show your private experience. The job of a waiter or waitress contains a wide selection of tasks and duties that vary based on the kind of employer. The waitress ought to be friendly. She needs to make the table and keep the spoons and forks for the customers. She needs to ensure that the table is cleared. Remember that when you have any certifications, including a Certification in Food Handling and Safety, you should put it at the peak of your resume. The very first key section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. In a resume the choice of a layout is vital. Use the search box to find precisel y what you are seeking.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Video Interviews Growing Popularity with Staffing Pros - Spark Hire
Video Interviews Growing Popularity with Staffing Pros - Spark HireAs the battle for acquiring top talent continues to heat up, staffing pros are taking advantage of the readily available resources to ensure they are providing their clients with rockstar candidates who have the potential of being great employees. Among the most popular tools are video interviews. Below are several reasons why this tech has taken the staffing industry by storm and become a powerful must-use tool for staffing prosTime-Saving SolutionThe traditional ways of recruiting talent have proven to be ineffective in todays fast-paced world. Companies cant afford to have their open positions sit vacant for weeks or even just days. With video interviews, particularly the one-way, staffing pros can tremendously cut down the time-to-placement. Ten one-way video interviews can be watched in the time it would take a recruiter to perform just one phone screen.Furthermore, the asynchronous nature of one-ways offers flex ibility to candidates so that conflicts typically associated with scheduling in-person interviews can be avoided. Candidates can answer your questions whenever convenient for them.Better Assess CandidatesNowadays, cultural fit is an important factor in whether a company chooses to hire someone or not. A candidates cultural fit is difficult to determine over a phone screen when you cant assess a persons facial expressions and body language. However, video interviews allow staffing pros to better gauge a candidates personality and if he or she will be a successful team member at your clients company.Connect with Candidates from AnywhereWith video interviews, staffing professionals are not limited to their geographical bbuchens when looking for top talent. A candidate who looks great on paper may be a state or country away, but you can simply invite them to a one-way or live video interview to further determine if theyd be the right fit for a client. If they arent, you and your client didnt have to waste any time or resources bringing them into the office.Keep Clients in the Loop from the StartThe shareability of video interviews makes it easier to collaborate with clients on potential hires. As soon as you receive a candidates video interview, you can shoot it off to your client to review and provide you with feedback. Your clients will appreciate having the ability to weigh in on a candidate from the very beginning because it will ensure that the best hiring decision is made.Better Present Candidates to ClientsThe benefits of video interviewing dont just end with saving time and fostering great relationships with clients and candidates. Video interviewing is the ultimate marketing tool available to staffing professionals. Recruiters can coach their candidates through the process of completing a one-way in order to achieve a polished interview to share with clients. By utilizing video interviews, recruiters are showing their candidates that they value them and t hat their priority is to position them in the best light to potential employers.Your clients will appreciate the great insight theyll gain on candidates by watching their stellar video interviews. Theyll have peace of mind knowing that their new hire wont be a regret they have later on. Furthermore, clients will grow to trust you as their recruiter to consistently provide top-notch candidates.Check out our whitepaper The 2015 Staffing Industry Trend Report to learn about more tools and resources for staffing prosImage Kasia Bialasiewicz/
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Experienced Protective Services Resume Template 2018s Top Format
Experienced Protective Services Resume Template 2018s Top FormatExperienced Protective Services Resume Template - 2018s Top FormatCreate ResumeGabriella Griffin100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019Cell (555) 322-7337 example-emailexample.comSummaryAccomplished United States Air Force veteran with TS/SCI clearance with over five years of decorated experience in law enforcement, security operations, and entry control with an honorable discharge pursuant of a career in the security and protective services field in which my extensive experience will become extremely beneficialHighlightsTS/SCI ClearedFirst Aid trainingWeapons trainingSecurity of Distinguished PersonnelDefensive TacticsCounter-terrorism StrategiesSituational DeescalationCrime Scene ManagementSafeguarding Classified MaterialCrime PreventionCustoms/ImmigrationsLaw Enforcement Public SafetyOC CertifiedMEB Asp CertifiedInterview/InterrogationsTraffic ControlExperienceSecurity Forces MemberAugust 2007 to May 2013 United St ates Air ForceUS Air Force Most Previous Assignment Andrews AFB (2010-2013)Overseas Tour Lakenheath AFB, England(2008-2010)Deployments 6mo. U.A.E 6mo. KuwaitFulfilled an extensive range of law enforcement, security, and entry control operations. Knowledgeable in the use of firearms, asp baton, OC spray, and x-ray detection systems. Two deployment tours with a combined year of experience in third world customs and security operations. Served a two year tour overseas at Lakenheath AFB, England to supervise an entry control facility for a high intel resource. Trained numerous subordinates both stateside and abroad. Extremely proficient in the security of resources, classified material, and dignitaries. Fully competent in handcuffing/searching procedures as well as conflict de-escalation.Awards and RecognitionHonored with Unit Meritorious Service Medal in 2010 as well as 2012, Good Conduct Medal(2010), and Marksmanship with the M-4 RifleEarned consistent commendations from leadership for devotion to duty, selflessness, and the maintaining of Air Force core values which set a positive example as well as standard for subordinatesRated 5 out of 5 on my enlisted yearly performance reviews accompanied by high scores on annual job qualification testingEducationHigh School Diploma 2007 East Hampton High School East Hampton, NY, USLaw Enforcement Securtiy, 2007 USAF Security Forces Academy Lackland Afb, TX, USCustomize ResumeMore Law Enforcement and Security ResumesEntry Level Correctional Officers Resume Templates
Friday, November 22, 2019
Performance Development Planning
wertmiger zuwachs Development PlanningPerformance Development PlanningAre you looking for the process that provides the heart of your performance management system? Youve found it. The Performance Development Planning (PDP) process enables you and the people who report to you to identify their personal and geschftlicher umgang goals that are most significant to your organizations success. The process enables each staff person to understand their true value-add to the organization. They do so when they understand how their job and the requested outcomes from their contribution fit inside your department or work units overall goals. Personal Developmental Goals In the process, staff members also tischtischset personal developmental goals that will increase their ability to contribute to the success of your organization. The accomplishment of these goals also provides a foundation for their career success whether in your organization or elsewhere, so they ought to be motivated and e xcited about achieving these goals. Your system of Performance Management, with the PDP process for goal setting and communication, will ensure that you are developing a superior workforce. As one CEO remarks daily, The only factor that constrains our growth is our ability to hire a superior workforce. Why not grow that talent from within your organization as well? PDP meetings are held at least quarterly to review the staff persons progression on the overall goals and objectives. Your staff persons progress on the action plans that result from the PDP goals is reviewed at your weekly one-on-one meeting. This weekly meeting allows you to offer assistance and to identify any help or tools the staff person needs to succeed. Make the Performance Development Planning Meeting Successful Schedule the Performance Development Planning meeting and define pre-work with the staff member.The staff member reviews personal performance for the quarter, writes business and personal developmenta l goal ideas on the PDP form and gathers needed documentation, including 360-degree feedback results, when available.The supervisor prepares for the PDP meeting by clearly defining the most important outcomes needed for the staff persons job within the framework of the organizations strategic plan. The supervisor writes business and personal developmental goal ideas on the PDP form in preparation for the discussion.The supervisor gathers data including work records and reports and eingabe from others familiar with the staff persons work.Both the supervisor and the employee examine how the employee is performing against all criteria, and think about areas for potential development.The supervisor develops a plan for the PDP meeting which includes answers to all questions about the performance development planning process with examples, documentation, and so on. Recognize that this process takes place quarterly and that the most time and work are invested in the first PDP meeting. The rest of the quarterly PDP goals, maybe for years, update the initial goals. So, while seemingly time-consuming on the front end, the PDP process, with a formal, effective foundation of solid personal and business goals, is less time consuming as quarters pass. The PDP continues to create business and employee success and value during its lifetime. With quarterly updates, the PDP process contributes to the future. During the Performance Development Planning (PDP) meeting Establish a comfortable, private setting and chat a few minutes to establish rapport with the staff person.Discuss and agree upon the objective of the meeting to create a performance development plan.The staff member is given the opportunity to discuss the achievements and progress accomplished during the quarter.The staff member identifies ways in which he would like to further develop his professional performance, including training, assignments, new challenges and so on.The supervisor discusses the employees p erformance for the quarter and suggests ways in which the staff member might further develop his performance. The supervisor provides input to the employees selected areas of personal and professional development and improvement.Discuss areas of agreement and disagreement, and reach consensus.Examine job responsibilities for the coming quarter and, in general.Agree upon standards for performance for the key job responsibilities for the quarter.Discuss how the goals support the accomplishment of the organizationsbusiness plan and the departments objectives.Set goals together for the quarter.Agree upon measurement for each goal. Assuming performance is satisfactory for the quarter, agree on a personal and professional development plan with the staff person, which helps him grow professionally in ways important to him and your organization.If performance is less than satisfactory, develop a written Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), and schedule more frequent feedback meetings. Remind the employee of the consequences connected with continued poor performance.The supervisor and the employee discuss the employees feedback and constructive suggestions for the supervisor and the department. Discuss anything else the supervisor or employee would like to discuss, hopefully, maintaining the positive and constructive environment established thus far, during the meeting.Mutually sign the Performance Development Planning document to indicate the discussion has taken place.End the meeting in a positive and supportive manner. The supervisor expresses confidence that the employee can accomplish the plan and that the supervisor is available for support and assistance.Set a time-frame for aformal follow-up meeting, generally quarterly. I recommend you set the actual date for follow-up. Following the Performance Development Planning Meeting If a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) was necessary, follow up at the designated times.Follow up with performance feedback and discu ssions regularly throughout the quarter. (An employee should never be surprised about the content of feedback at the quarterly performance development meeting.)The supervisor needs to keep commitments relative to the agreed upon personal and professional development plan, including time needed away from the job, payment for courses, agreed-upon assignments and so on. The supervisor needs to act upon the feedback from departmental members and let staff members know what has changed, based on their feedback.Forward appropriate documentation to the Human Resources office and retain a copy of the plan for easy access and referral. When your organization develops the discipline and commitment necessary to carry out regular performance development planning, your organization will win. This systematic method for cascading goals and commitment throughout your organization will ensure your success. Can you think of a better way to communicate and measure your key strategic objectives to ensu re progress and success?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Marine Corps Humanitarian Transfers
seestreitkraft Corps Humanitarian TransfersMarine Corps Humanitarian TransfersUnfortunately, for military and civilians alike, difficulties happen in life that require special attention from employers, or in this case the chain of command. Normally, these are the types of life challenges that stop us dead in ur tracks and we are forced to deal with these situations. Situations like terminal illness of an immediate family member (spouse, child), sole child guardian seriously ill or passes away suddenly, or other life changing events will like prompt a few different responses from the military members chain of command to assist Humanitarian Transfer, Hardship Discharge, Emergency Leave, or Temporary Assigned Duty. Humanitarian Tranfers Marine Corps Humanitarian Transfers to another duty station or the cancellation of PCS (permanent change of station) orders to permit retention on station are initiated at the request of the individual. The transfer action is for the personal conveni ence of the Marine and is designed to solve short-term situations. Such transfers are for the members convenience and there are no entitlements to travel or transportation allowances for the member to return to the old permanent duty station to assist in the movement of dependents or household goods. Travel and transportation allowances will be allowed from the member/dependents location to the new permanent duty station upon receipt of the authorization for the humanitarian transfer. For the purposes of Humanitarian Transfers, short-term is defined as 36 months or less, or date of release from active duty/discharge, whichever comes first. Approvals for retention on station are normally approved for 12 months. Personal and family aufgabes that can reasonably be expected to continue beyond three years from the date of transfer are considered long-term in natureand could constitute a limitation on the availability of the Marine for worldwide assignment. As such, the solution to the Ma rines dicke bretter bohren mssen may more appropriately be a hardship discharge or transfer to the FMCR or Retired List in lieu of being discharged. Program Criteria To qualify for consideration under this program, the following criteria must be satisfied The situation must be of such severity as to present a personal problem that is more severe than those normally encountered by Marines and their families in the course of military service.The hardship occurred or was aggravated as a result of the Marines beginning the initial term of service, or subsequent to the date of the last reenlistment.The Marine has made every effort to solve the personal problem by taking leave corresponding with social service agencies in the locale of the hardship filing dependency applications and registering allotments for financial support to immediate family members seeking legal assistance at the present duty station and seeking medical treatment (including psychological counseling/therapy) for family members at the present CONUS duty station, i.e., Chaplains, Family tafelgeschirr Centers. The problem described must be controlled or resolved to permit the unrestricted assignment of the Marine within the time frame of a normal CONUS tour (36 months).The problem must involve the Marines immediate family and the individuals presence must be required to alleviate or eliminate the hardship. For the purpose of humanitarian transfer/TAD/retention on station, the term immediate family is defined as the spouse, natural or step-children, brothers, sisters, and the Marines or spouses parents. A person who has stood in loco parentisfor at least 2 years preceding the Marines entry on active duty qualifies as a parent for the purpose of this paragraph. Requests for humanitarian transfer will not receive favorable consideration when the basis, therefore, is to assist in farming/mining ventures, personal business ventures, or to attend to personal legal matters. When the Marines presence is requested solely to provide moral support, transfer/reassignment will not be directed. Examples of Normally Approved Requests Requests for humanitarian transfer/TAD/retention on station or hardship discharge generally will receive favorable consideration when the following conditions exist dem tode nah illness (life expectancy less than 6 months) of a member of the Marines or spouses immediate family (as defined above), where the presence of the Marine is required.Illness of a member of the Marines or spouses immediate family where the attending physician certifies the Marines presence is required for the well-being or welfare of the patient.No other relatives are capable of providing the assistance necessary to alleviate the hardship.A Marine becomes a single parent as a result of unforeseen circumstances for example, the death of a spouse. Where ahumanitarian transfer is desired, the requested duty station must have a billet vacancy requiring the grade and MOS of the Marin e. As a matter of general policy, when a humanitarian transfer request is approved, a Marine will not be assigned to a recruiting station, Marine Corps district headquarters, or to small Marine Corps detachments (one for one billet). Where no billet vacancy exists at the Marine Corps activity closest to the location of the hardship, TAD (Temporary Duty) may be authorized up to a total of 6 months, as described below. Temporary Duty (TAD) When possible, if an individuals problem is of short duration, and the requirement for the Marines presence is substantiated by documentation, permissive TAD will be authorized at the Marine Corps activity closest to the location desired by the Marine. Orders to such TAD must be clearly in the best interest of the Marine Corps and may be for a period of not more than 6 months. Any request for an additional period of TAD will advise the CMC (MMOA/MMEA or RA) of the current status of the Marines problem, and an estimate of the time needed to resol ve it. Since the TAD is for the personal convenience of the Marine, no per diem or travel expenses will be authorized. Travel-time expended in conjunction with permissive TAD is chargeable as annual leave. TAD will not be authorized by the CMC where the appropriate solution to the Marines problem could be achieved through the use of annual or emergency leave. It is expected that prior to granting a Marine TAD, the individual will exhaust thecurrentlyauthorized leave period in attempting to resolve the problem. For complete information about the Marine Corps Humanitarian Assignments Program, seeMarine Corps Order P1000.6,Assignment, Classification and Travel Systems Manual, paragraph 1301. Also see additional link for Hardship Discharge.
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