Monday, December 30, 2019

The State of Tech Hiring in San Diego

The State of Tech Hiring in San DiegoThe State of Tech Hiring in San DiegoTHE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN SAN DIEGOQ3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Business intelligence, Cybersecurity*2. wolke security Database management*3. Cloud computing4. DevOps5. ERP implementation Virtualization*OF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 67% plan to expand their teams.32% plan to fill only vacant positions.92% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.99% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.97% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsConsultants are part of our hiring strategy 73%For especially busy times 59%When theres a sudden vacancy 51%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 40%When a skill does not exist internally 36%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Innovation or helping grow the geschftsleben3. Cloud projects/initiatives Innovation or helping grow the business*

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