Thursday, July 2, 2020

4 Questions to Ask before Considering a Career Change

4 Questions to Ask before Considering a Career Change It happens to everyone at some point. Whether it is stress, fatigue, or just plain boredom the bottom line is that you feel unhappy at work. You may think a radical career change is in order, but please take a minute before jumping too quickly into action! Ask yourself these four following questions before you proceed. 1. Do you still enjoy what you do? Jobs are complex, and we all have to do things we don’t necessarily love as part of our job. However, focus on the primary purpose and function of your role. When your strengths and interests align closely with your chosen profession, then you are likely to be more satisfied. 2. Can you utilize your skills in a different industry? You may have specialized career training, but that does not mean you are limited to a certain field. If you are burned out from working in a highly stressful job, think about other industries in which you can apply your skills. 3. What is the impact of your work environment? Your company’s culture and disgruntled coworkers may have a harmful affect on your attitude and productivity. Stay focused on the work and don’t engage in the negative talk. If your workplace is a primary source of stress, it may be time to explore moving to a different department or company. 4. Is there room to advance in your current career? Perhaps you have been in the same role for many years and feel bored. Is there an opportunity for a promotion or expansion of responsibilities in your current role? Consider what new challenges you are ready to take on and schedule a conversation with your manager. A major career change  may seem like the only solution, but this is not a decision to be taken lightly.  Meeting with a mentor, peer or career coach can help you identify the source of your dissatisfaction and help you develop a strategy to move forward.

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